"Symbiosis of user-friendliness and price optimization" - read online now!
Recently, our CEO Dirk Schäfer was invited by the editors of the Wirtschafsforum to an interview about Crowdfox. The focus of the personal conversation was not only the presentation of Crowdfox and the development of the software solution for indirect purchasing, but also the human aspects and success stories that make up our company.
Read the entire interview with Dirk Schäfer “Symbiosis of user-friendliness and price optimization” online now and gain new, exciting insights into the world of Crowdfox.
About Wirtschaftsforum
At Wirtschaftsforum, we take business personally. What does that mean? We look at business on a personal level. This means that we are not only concerned with hard facts such as company structure, sales or market share, but above all with the people behind a company, who write success stories with their commitment, their performance and their products.
That’s why we have chosen a form of presentation that best meets this requirement: personal interviews – via audio and video. From the conversations we have, exciting stories, large photo series, professional interviews and portraits are created cross-media via print, online and social media.