„Large Language Models are changing everything. You do not have to translate your thoughts into keywords any more – and see if it fits. You can just communicate with a system like with a human being.”
Our COO Christoph Kunel gave James Meads, the Digital Procurement Guru and host of the Podcast ProcureTech, an interview about the premiere of the live demo of ProcureGPT during this year’s ProcurementSummit.
And that will also make a big change in procurement and ordering: discussing with the system in free text what is really needed and to be able to order to best conditions immediately through an existing SRM-system. That is the vision Crowdfox is working on today.
Listen to the complete podcast on different channels. Chris’ part starts at minute 36:42.
Online Player: https://bit.ly/3QnKWNl
Spotify: https://bit.ly/43OKQBz
Apple: https://bit.ly/3DLmGgB
Google: https://bit.ly/3Kp74TV
Website: https://procurementsoftware.site/captivate-podcast/procurement-summit-live-interviews-part-1-procurement-tech-companies/