
created on: 22.02.2024 | by: Annika Schöbe

Crowdfox is now climate neutral

Crowdfox consumed 81 tons of CO2 in 2023 – and fully offset it directly by investing in an international forest conservation and wind energy project. This makes the Cologne-based IT company CO2-neutral for the first time.

“The CO2 consumption of products and services is becoming an increasingly important decision-making factor in purchasing alongside price, quality and availability,” says Dirk Schäfer, Managing Director of Crowdfox. “Our customers are also asking us for solutions to make their indirect purchasing CO2-transparent. It was very important to us to lead the way as a role model among service providers.”

This is why Crowdfox had its own CO2 consumption calculated by Climate Extender GmbH for the first time in 2023 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard and fully offset all emissions by participating in international climate protection projects. Crowdfox already took “common sense” measures to reduce its footprint in 2021 and 2022. The office space was downsized in the form of a relocation, business trips are made by train wherever possible and the IT hardware is regularly checked for outdated standards. The company’s own vehicle fleet caused the greatest CO2 consumption (27 percent), followed by commuting (23 percent) and the purchase of own goods and services (16 percent). Very low: CO2 emissions from business air travel (3.4 percent).

“We emitted less CO2 for air travel as an entire company than a single person on a flight from Frankfurt to New York and back,” explains Dirk Schäfer. “We have deliberately avoided national and European air travel as much as possible. We will also ensure that we keep the CO2 footprint of our travel expenses as low as possible in the next steps of internationalization. We will also offset what is absolutely necessary on a one-to-one basis in subsequent years. Aside from offsetting, the CO2 report from Climate Extender has shown us where we emit the most greenhouse gas – and highlighted specific ideas on how we can not only offset, but also reduce these emissions in relative terms. We will be working on this in the new year, not only to deliver excellent results to our customers, but also to do this even better in harmony with our environment.